Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Unpredictable toddlers

You know 'that kid' at the mall visiting Santa that is kicking and screaming with tears streaming down their face? You know, the one everyone shakes their head at and asks their shopping friend/spouse/child, "What is WRONG with that child?!" Well, I had that child on Saturday. Caitlin was a little apprehensive but was fine. Fiona on the other hand had one look at Santa and freaked out. Screaming, crying, kicking... the whole gamut. We didn't spend $30 for pictures, I believe it's is ingrained in our memory just fine. Five seconds after we left Santa, Fiona was smiling and asking for pizza for lunch. 

Here is our picture from last year.
Christmas 2010

Sunday we had scheduled a family picture session. I dreaded it all day after the Santa debacle on Saturday. The girls were in a good mood until we got ready for the picture and Fiona, again, freaked out. All she needed to do was sit on my lap for 30 seconds and we would have been done. She would not sit, she arched her back and kicked me. Cailtin then got frustrated (for a good reason!)  and treed to run away. After getting Caitlin back we finally got one OK picture.  
Christmas family picture proof

There will be no more pictures for a while. I think we will be delaying their 2 year pictures since Fiona has seemed to have developed a camera phobia.

 I wish everyone luck with their Santa/holiday pics!

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