Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pittsburgh Zoo

This past Saturday Ryan, the girls and I took a day trip to the Pittsburgh Zoo. We actually bought tickets and planned a Pittsburgh weekend last fall and it rained the entire time and we didn't actually make it to the zoo. We did end up having a great time and discovering the Pittsburgh Children's Museum while rained out in October but we were looking forward to our delayed zoo visit.

We left around 8:45 and after stopping once for gas and one other quick stop, we arrived at the zoo around 11:15. 

The girls did a great job walking and taking breaks in the wagon without any toddler breakdowns! We had a great time and the girls are still talking about all of the animals they saw. 

Since the zoo is technically off season though the end of April, there was only one option for lunch and the zoo was really busy. We made it through a 20 minute line for really bad pizza and continued on with our zoo adventure. Sidenote- they didn't sell milk or juice... at a zoo! We brought drinks but not enough for the day and I was floored that they only sold soda and water. 

We spent almost 4 hours at the zoo and still made it home for dinner. It was a great trip and we plan to return in the late summer or early fall. 

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