Thursday, January 26, 2012

2 year well baby visit stats

The girls had their 2 year well baby check up yesterday with Dr. Coggins. Our very feisty girls gave the doctor a cardio and strength training workout, just to get through the examinations. We have been battling colds here since the weekend by yesterday, Caitlin was acting normal but Fiona had been very sleepy, moody and coughing a lot. To our surprise Fiona checked out perfectly fine and Caitlin ended up having an ear infection. She is on antibiotics and dong fine, Fiona also seems to be feeling better today.

The girls are continuing to grow and develop right on schedule and are also ahead cognitively and with their motor skills. They are still my petite ladies but are consistently growing on their own growth charts.

Ht- 33 1/4" (31st percentile)
Wt- 22lb 5oz (4th percentile)
Hear cir- 48.5cm (75th percentile)

Ht- 33 1/4" (31st percentile)
Wt- 24lb 11oz (22nd percentile)
Head cir- 48.7cm (78th percentile)

Since we had sick babies, I wasn't able to attend the viewing for our beloved Coach Paterno. I was able to stop by the makeshift shrine at his statue after the girls appointment. I lit a candle and left it with our tailgating sign that was left in his honor.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Walmart: 25 free 4×6 photo prints

Sign up for a free photo account and you’ll receive a coupon code for 25 free 4×6 photo prints via email. Choose to pick up your prints in store and your order will be completely free!

(Thanks MoneySavingMom!)

Fun in the snow with heavy hearts

The girls had their first experience playing in the snow and sledding this weekend.  It was a very short outing and we didn't go further than 30 yards from our front door, but we had fun.

Sunday morning our sweet and beloved Coach Joe Paterno passed away. It's such a sad time here in Happy Valley. I love you JoePa and many tears have been shed over your passing. I love how State College has come together to mourn and remember this remarkable man.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Lazy Thursday

We had a rare weekday morning with Ryan this morning. He is leaving at lunch for a work trip so it was great to get some quality time together this morning.

To keep myself occupied tonight I plan to make French Onion soup and watch Project Runway with a glass of wine. Hopefully the soup is a success and I'll share the recipe tomorrow.

I love this picture of Fiona.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stomach virus and PSU sports weekend

After having one of the best weekends in recent memory for the girls birthday, we all became victims to the nasty stomach virus that is going around. Tuesday morning it hit Fiona, Wednesday it started for Caitlin and Thursday night it was my turn. Ryan was the lucky one out of our family, he didn't get the 'full blown' version that the rest of us did. It was the first time the girls were ever sick with a stomach/intestinal illness so I guess it was a right of passage of sorts. We survived although it was another week I realized that having a child is tough but having twins is super tough. 

Luckily we all started feeling better and were all able to make it to the Penn State Icers hockey game that my parents bought tickets for our entire family as a Christmas present. We had almost a whole row right on the glass and the girls had a really good time. 
Caitlin was a natural, pounding on the glass like a true hockey fan.

We had a lazy Saturday and then Sunday Ryan and I had a nice 'date afternoon'. My parents watched the girls and Ryan and I went to lunch, I got a new cell phone (I'm now and iPhone gal) and went to the PSU basketball game. 

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Happy Birthday Knowles Twins!

We had an action packed weekend here in State College. Saturday we threw the girls a "Look Whoo's Two" party at the Millbrook Marsh Nature Center on Saturday night. The girls had a great time playing with their friends and family. This is the first kids party I have planned and the party was definitely a success! 

Sunday was their actually birthday and we continued the celebrating! We still had family in town so we invited my parents over for lunch. The girls opened all of their presents from the party and needless to say, naps were put of the question after the present opening. The day ended with my beloved Steelers losing the Wildcard game in OT but that didn't really matter... what a wonderful day. 

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back on the blogging train!

Things got a little crazy around Christmas, including 3 weekends in a row traveling, so I was a lack luster blogger. I'm back though and thought I would recap our holidays.

The weekend before Christmas we took the long journey to Central NJ to visit Ryan's mom and her family to celebrate Christmas with them. We broke out our secret weapon as an early Christmas gift to the girls... the dual screen portable DVD player for the car! It really helped with our travels, we were in the car for 11+ hours over the weekend and they were great. 

Fiona and Caitlin's favorite part of our visit was playing the piano with Nana.
The following week we spent Friday-Sunday in Scranton. We had an easy trip and Friday night we went to a party at John and Stacy's beautiful new home. 
The girls loved playing with Sophia and Jonathan, especially on the stairs (eek!)

We spend Christmas Eve morning at the Steamtown Mall where Fiona had a major breakdown. You know that kid kicking and screaming while trying to claw their mom's eyes out and everyone stares at them and shakes their head? Yeah, that was Fiona.  At least they took a good nap when we got back to the hotel and then we got ready for the Christmas Eve party at Ed and Nancy's.

A surprise guest arrived at the party, Santa! The girls were, yet again, terrified.

The girls had a great time playing with other little 'cousins'! We had an 15-month old, 2 23-month olds, an almost 3 year old, 7 year old and a 9 year old. Next year there will be an additional 2 babies to the mix since Lisa and Christy are both expecting! 
We woke up Christmas morning and after breakfast with Poppa Jim, took off for State College to see what Santa brought. The girls must have been very good girls this year!
Our crazy Christmas marathon ended with dinner and presents at my parents house, Santa even dropped lots of toys off there too! 

We are so blessed to have so many people to celebrate with over Christmas. I hope you all had a safe and happy Christmas and a great start to the new year!