Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Stomach virus and PSU sports weekend

After having one of the best weekends in recent memory for the girls birthday, we all became victims to the nasty stomach virus that is going around. Tuesday morning it hit Fiona, Wednesday it started for Caitlin and Thursday night it was my turn. Ryan was the lucky one out of our family, he didn't get the 'full blown' version that the rest of us did. It was the first time the girls were ever sick with a stomach/intestinal illness so I guess it was a right of passage of sorts. We survived although it was another week I realized that having a child is tough but having twins is super tough. 

Luckily we all started feeling better and were all able to make it to the Penn State Icers hockey game that my parents bought tickets for our entire family as a Christmas present. We had almost a whole row right on the glass and the girls had a really good time. 
Caitlin was a natural, pounding on the glass like a true hockey fan.

We had a lazy Saturday and then Sunday Ryan and I had a nice 'date afternoon'. My parents watched the girls and Ryan and I went to lunch, I got a new cell phone (I'm now and iPhone gal) and went to the PSU basketball game. 

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