Thursday, January 5, 2012

Back on the blogging train!

Things got a little crazy around Christmas, including 3 weekends in a row traveling, so I was a lack luster blogger. I'm back though and thought I would recap our holidays.

The weekend before Christmas we took the long journey to Central NJ to visit Ryan's mom and her family to celebrate Christmas with them. We broke out our secret weapon as an early Christmas gift to the girls... the dual screen portable DVD player for the car! It really helped with our travels, we were in the car for 11+ hours over the weekend and they were great. 

Fiona and Caitlin's favorite part of our visit was playing the piano with Nana.
The following week we spent Friday-Sunday in Scranton. We had an easy trip and Friday night we went to a party at John and Stacy's beautiful new home. 
The girls loved playing with Sophia and Jonathan, especially on the stairs (eek!)

We spend Christmas Eve morning at the Steamtown Mall where Fiona had a major breakdown. You know that kid kicking and screaming while trying to claw their mom's eyes out and everyone stares at them and shakes their head? Yeah, that was Fiona.  At least they took a good nap when we got back to the hotel and then we got ready for the Christmas Eve party at Ed and Nancy's.

A surprise guest arrived at the party, Santa! The girls were, yet again, terrified.

The girls had a great time playing with other little 'cousins'! We had an 15-month old, 2 23-month olds, an almost 3 year old, 7 year old and a 9 year old. Next year there will be an additional 2 babies to the mix since Lisa and Christy are both expecting! 
We woke up Christmas morning and after breakfast with Poppa Jim, took off for State College to see what Santa brought. The girls must have been very good girls this year!
Our crazy Christmas marathon ended with dinner and presents at my parents house, Santa even dropped lots of toys off there too! 

We are so blessed to have so many people to celebrate with over Christmas. I hope you all had a safe and happy Christmas and a great start to the new year!


  1. Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas with the girls Kristin!! They get cuter everyday!

  2. Thanks Tara, we had a great Christmas! Now we have their birthday, only 3 days away! It's such a busy and fun time of year. I hope you and your family had a great Christmas :)
