Thursday, January 26, 2012

2 year well baby visit stats

The girls had their 2 year well baby check up yesterday with Dr. Coggins. Our very feisty girls gave the doctor a cardio and strength training workout, just to get through the examinations. We have been battling colds here since the weekend by yesterday, Caitlin was acting normal but Fiona had been very sleepy, moody and coughing a lot. To our surprise Fiona checked out perfectly fine and Caitlin ended up having an ear infection. She is on antibiotics and dong fine, Fiona also seems to be feeling better today.

The girls are continuing to grow and develop right on schedule and are also ahead cognitively and with their motor skills. They are still my petite ladies but are consistently growing on their own growth charts.

Ht- 33 1/4" (31st percentile)
Wt- 22lb 5oz (4th percentile)
Hear cir- 48.5cm (75th percentile)

Ht- 33 1/4" (31st percentile)
Wt- 24lb 11oz (22nd percentile)
Head cir- 48.7cm (78th percentile)

Since we had sick babies, I wasn't able to attend the viewing for our beloved Coach Paterno. I was able to stop by the makeshift shrine at his statue after the girls appointment. I lit a candle and left it with our tailgating sign that was left in his honor.

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