Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Thanksgiving recap with pictures!

We had an action packed Thanksgiving weekend with our family! Wednesday night Poppa Jim (Slim Jim Poppa K) arrived in State College just in time for dinner. The girls had a great time having some one on one time playing and showing off for Poppa :)
Poppa Jim, Caitlin, DaDa and Fiona
Our little family

Thanksgiving started out as a lazy morning at home and then we all head over to my parents around 12:30. We drank wine, ate way too much food, laughed a lot and the girls refused to nap among the excitement.

Happy Thanksgiving from the Knowles twins!
Nana (Ryan's mom) came and stayed the weekend, since she couldn't make it for Thanksgiving. I'm almost done Christmas shopping, the tree is up, house decorated and we are full speed ahead to Christmas! :)

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