Wednesday, November 23, 2011

What I am Thankful for...

Happy Thanksgiving! I hope everyone is able to spend quality time with their family today!

 I totally feel for the people that work in retail over this holiday. I can't believe that most stores are opening at midnight and some even open on Thanksgiving! Before the girls were born, I was in the retail business. I was the Senior Executive Merchandising Manager for Macy's and as of that time, I was working until 11:00PM the night before Thanksgiving to prepare for the sale, was exhausted through Thanksgiving and back to work at 3:00AM on Friday to be ready for 5:00AM opening. It's so much worse now that they are opening at midnight since I know it takes at least 2 hours to be ready to open meaning their Thanksgiving is being robbed from them. Sorry for the rant! I just really feel for these hardworking associates and managers this holiday season!

I have so much to be thankful for this year. It's astounding to me how very blessed I am! Here's a short list-

-My patient, caring and hardworking husband and that his tenacity allows me to stay at home with my girls and not work outside the home.
-Of course, my beautiful, funny, smart and adventurous toddlers. They have made everything in my life better, I can't imagine life without them! 
-The fortune of good health. Myself and my family have been blessed with good health and that is something to be very thankful for. 
-My mom, dad, sister and brother-in-law. I'm so thankful that we are so close and we are ale to visit often. I'm so blessed they are in my life and love my girls so much.
-That I am going to be an aunt!! I'm thankful that my sister and JR are expecting a baby in May!
- For my renewed faith and spirituality. I have been feeling a lot more driven in my faith and have felt a renewed energy with prayer. My hunt for a new church is on!
-A comfy house that is warm, filled with fabulous food and lots of love. I may complain and I want more space, more bathrooms, ect... but I am so blessed for what we have right now.

I could go on and on but I will spare you! I hope you count your blessings today too, Happy Thanksgiving!

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